Bach Flower Remedies in Christchurch
The Bach Flower Remedies are 38 homeopathically prepared plant and flower based remedies, targeted towards the treatment of releasing negative moods or unhelpful emotions. Each one is specially devised to treat a different mood or emotional block.
What are Bach Flower Remedies?
When we feel fulfilled, happy and positive we tend to enjoy better health. We get more out of life and we can give more to our friends and family. But sometimes we need a little help to stay in balance and move forward. That’s when Bach Flower Remedies can help.
Using his knowledge of homeopathy, Dr. Edward Bach created the Bach Flower Remedies in the 1930s. His philosophy was “A healthy mind ensures a healthy body” and he sought to restore emotional equilibrium, and in doing so reinstate physical health.
Dr. Bach devised a system of seven major emotional groups under which people could be classified, these are: fear, loneliness, insufficient interest in present circumstances, despondency or despair, uncertainty, over-sensitivity to influences and ideas, and over-care for the welfare of others. He categorised 38 negative states of mind under these groups, then formulated a plant or flower remedy to treat each of these emotional states.
Rescue Remedy
Rescue Remedy can be used to help you cope with immediate everyday situations such as going to the dentist, interviews, making a complaint, wedding day nerves, or earthquakes and after-shocks! It can also help in times of crisis or trauma such as bereavement, a relationship breakdown or redundancy, for first-aid use, emergencies and associated stress.
If you have received a shock of any kind, some sudden bad news, if there has been a family upset or you are in sorrow such as before and at a funeral; if you are fearful or confused, even in terror or in a panic, Rescue Remedy will come to your aid by helping you to face up to these problems of stress.
Who can use Bach Flower Remedies?
The remedies are natural and completely safe and can be used by all the family. They are completely safe to use during pregnancy. They can even be used effectively to help plants and animals – and because they work in such a gentle way, they are free of side-effects.
Only the Bach Signature guarantees that you receive the genuine original Bach Flower Remedies, prepared as they have been since Dr. Bach’s time, with tinctures made exclusively by the Bach Centre at Mount Vernon.
To learn more, call Roughan Chiropractic office today at (03) 365 7828.