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Meet Dr. Simon Roughan, Chiropractor

I wanted to belong to a profession that really helped people!

Dr. Simon RoughanEveryone thought I was crazy throwing in a career in Residential Psychiatric Care for Adolescents, when I sought the drug-free approach of Chiropractic. I wanted to belong to a profession that really helped people, a profession in fact which non-invasively liberates nerve interference. My training in psychology and psychiatric counselling was very rewarding. But the domineering influence of the pharmaceutical drug companies in sedating and tranquilising every patient caused me to question my ethical role in this health model.

I was fortunate enough to have parents who took me to a Chiropractor.

I had been fortunate enough to have parents who took me to a chiropractor when I was aged fourteen, due to a rugby tackle injury which left me in acute low back pain. The only medical solution offered was bed-rest for six weeks. This wonderful man in Hawkes Bay explained what had happened to my vertebrae, and how the nerves were entrapped causing me severe back pain, but the nerve irritation was also causing irregularities in my bowel and waterworks too! He was so right. Yet I had never told him of these other symptoms. Once he had adjusted my spine and released the tight muscle spasms in my back, I was pain-free for the first time in several weeks! Then I noticed I no longer had the severe stomach pains, and no more of the urgency to relieve my bladder! This Wairarapa boy was eternally grateful for the wisdom that the hands of that chiropractor passed on, in true healing. No drugs, no potions. Just hands on health care.

From that date on I had come to expect the miracle of chiropractic. I experienced it many times later. Before and after competing in many athletic events I would go see my chiropractor for a spinal check-up as I noticed my body performed better if I did. When older, after car rally driving I naturally attended my chiropractor for a check up to clear the neck tension that comes from many mini whiplashes.

Working with patient

“I just had to become a Chiropractor…”

I just had to become a chiropractor after meeting this dedicated man in Dublin, Ireland. I was working in a psychiatric hospital unit in Dublin at the time when I consulted him for a spinal check-up. Dr Fionntan MacCuill was a man who loved his vocation as a chiropractor, who dedicated his life to his patients, and who had many miracle stories to share. I was able to assist him in his one day free clinic each week where he specialised in meeting the health needs of many disadvantaged children. He was often the only health person they would ever see, or ever trust.

I too had this burning desire to help people through natural means. He thoroughly explained the spine and nerve system to everyone he helped. He gently and skilfully restored many of them back to a good level of health, when they had been suffering poor living conditions, poor nutrition, and a lack of basic necessities.

Chiropractic Education

As I was already in the UK it was natural for me to therefore apply to the nearest chiropractic college, which was in England. I attended the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth. I shared four intense years of study there with many equally dedicated students from varied parts of Europe and of the world. I loved the neurology classes where we could focus on how intricately involved the human nerve system is in controlling absolutely every part of the body. And how this nerve system is especially housed in the skull and down through the spine. But all the classes were spellbinding for interest and content and delivery.

Dr Stanley Lord was the College Dean and a great man of vision for the College. He inspired me, especially for his desire as a healer. But it was Dr Gilbert Meal, a french man, who challenged me, for the sake of my patients, to become the very best doctor I could be.

At Roughan Chiropractic

Our practices have a focus to be the most accessible modern chiropractic facility in the region, with Doctors who are dedicated and available to provide the very best of modern advanced chiropractic care. Our operating philosophy is to meet the immediate needs of our patients, inform & educate them of our wellness model of health care, and provide an ongoing maintenance of their well-being through regular spinal health check ups.

We are often described as a Family Practice, as we meet the needs of the little ones, address the needs of sporting teenagers, help adults maintain a healthy spine throughout their rugged outdoor occupations, provide treatment under ACC injury guidelines, provide a special focus on those in pregnancy, assist the elderly to remain mobile and independent, and we provide health classes regularly for those wanting more out of their lives.

Seeing patients come through their spinal injuries and/or health difficulties, with gentle chiropractic care, is so satisfying to us Doctors. We have stories we would love to share with you.

Away from the Office

family weddingI met my sweetheart Therese at a Catholic youth group gathering, when attending University in Wellington, early in 1971. I then visited her in Holland where she went to visit her family relatives at the end of 1973. She hesitated over my initial proposal, but we married in Dublin Ireland in 1975.

We had two children born in the UK whilst I was studying chiropractic. But our other five children were all born on the rugged West Coast of the South Island, in Greymouth.

As a family we have all been very active in athletic and cross country clubs, whether in a competitive capacity or in coaching. I have coached both gymnastics and athletics over several seasons. Therese has kept up her running and half marathons, between her pregnancies, but has now settled on netball coaching and Pilates. The three boys have been very active in hockey and athletics. The four girls have all enjoyed dance, most of them falling in love with classical ballet, as well as sport and yoga.

One energetic burning passion for us all as a family is tramping. Living on the West Coast exposed us to some great bush hikes and rugged tramps.

Thankfully I have received chiropractic care throughout my entire adult life. My Associates and I regularly check each other, which means I receive a thorough check up and spinal adjustment weekly. This is truly the ultimate, and especially so in the nature of our work as chiropractors. We can best assist our spinal injury cases if we can lift and position them without injury to ourselves. So yes, regular chiropractic adjustments do keep you healthy!

Doctor and wifeMy family and I adhere to the Blood Type diet, of eating those foods that best enhance your immune system. We live this as a principle of our family meals, and in any nutritional supplements that we may use. As the qualified nutritionist at the practice our family and the practice team, are regularly assessed for nutritional requirements that show a specific need. The key to all nutrition is to ensure a hearty breakfast sets you up for the day.

My wife and I regularly walk in the evenings, which is not only powerful as an exercise habit, but also as a chatting, winding down time from the day’s hectic activities. Weekend hikes are important, but the tramping trips are real getaway opportunities.

Contact Us Today

Enough about me! Thanks for visiting our site. How can we start to help you with today’s safe and natural modern chiropractic care? Give us a call so we can help you take your first step towards better health.


Dr. Simon Roughan, Chiropractor | (03) 365 7828