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Clinical Nutrition in Christchurch

History tells us that past populations suffered less physical degeneration than we do, and a smaller percentage of them died of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Reversal of degenerative conditions is possible in most cases.”
Udo Erasmus, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill.

Woman at grocery storeWhat is Health?

Health is not just the absence of symptoms. We have been brought up to believe that if we are symptom free we are healthy. This is not correct.

How many people have you heard of that were “completely healthy” and suddenly died of a heart attack? The first symptom of heart attack in many cases is death. Obviously this supposedly healthy person was not healthy. A similar picture can be seen with cancer. Cancer takes many years to develop. It doesn’t happen over night. There have been estimates that it may take up to thirty years to develop cancer. Obviously the person with cancer has not been healthy, and yet they were most likely symptom free for this period.

Symptoms, or the absence of symptoms, cannot be used as a guide to whether you are healthy or sick. Testing procedures that are aimed at assessing the function of the various organs and cells within your body are the only way to determine health.

How do Chiropractors use Clinical Nutrition?

At Roughan Chiropractic we want a full history of your health journey. Then we provide a thorough chiropractic assessment, in identifying the key offending spinal subluxations. Then the specific muscle release technique and primary adjustment is delivered by this dedicated chiropractor. From that point we are acutely focused on nutritionally supporting that life-promoting chiropractic spinal adjustment.That is precisely where key nutrients play a vital role in the holistic approach of spinal and neurological health.

What is Clinical Nutrition?

“The use of diet and nutritional supplements is a vital way to enhance health and prevent disease.”

Every day we put 1-2kg of organic matter into our mouths. What happens then is what clinical nutritionists are interested in.Clinical nutrition is the study of the relationship between food and a healthy you – how nutrients are digested, absorbed, transported, stored and eliminated by the body. What we eat impacts hugely on our risk of developing major chronic diseases – heart disease, obesity, cancer and diabetes.

Holding supplements

What are Nutritional Supplements?

Nutritional supplements are those key elements identified as missing, or lacking from a particular patient’s health profile. For example vitamins, minerals, amino acids (like L-Glutamine), trace elements (like selenium) and other cellular nutrients used to support good health and treat illness.

“Our pre-agricultural ancestors would have had an intake of most vitamins and minerals much in excess of levels in the modern industrial diet. The source of all vitamins and minerals for our pre-agricultural ancestors was whole foods; especially whole fruits and vegetables which contain all the phytochemicals and other essential cofactors.

However we realize that it may not be practical, affordable, or even possible to consistently eat and/or juice a large amount of fresh, local, organic whole foods with enough variety to ensure sufficiency in all micronutrients.” – Dr James Chestnut

What are Essential Nutrients?

There are essential nutrients that all human beings require in sufficient amounts for health and the prevention of illness.

These essential nutrients are Omega-3, Vitamin D and Probiotics.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake

Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are fatty acids that humans and other animals must ingest because the body requires them for good health but cannot synthesise them. As the Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be made by human cells, they require ingestion in the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are classified as essential nutrient complexes.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that carry with them significant health benefits.

Learn more about Omega-3 Fatty Acids »

In addition to their role in helping our heart and brains function properly, these fats also help protect our genetic material, therefore reducing damage associated with ageing.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that play a critical role in virtually every human function including:

  • growth and development
  • brain and nerve function
  • cholesterol levels
  • digestion
  • emotions and behaviour
  • heart function
  • maintenance of skin and bones
  • immune function
  • vision
  • regulation of healing and inflammation

(Connor, W.E. Importance of n-3 fatty acids in health and disease. Am J Clin Nutr, 200 71(1): 171S-175S)

There are thousands of scientific references showing the necessity and benefit of consumption of sufficient amounts of Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) found in fish and in pharmaceutical-grade fish oil supplements.

Research indicates that sufficient intake of Omega-3 fatty acids is important for heart health, blood sugar regulation, brain health, emotional health, bone health, digestive health, immune health, and cancer prevention. (Maroon JC, Bost JW. 2006 Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory: an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic pain. Surgical Neurology. 65(3):326-331)

The typical New Zealand diet is severely deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids and severely toxic with over consumption of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. In fact, researchers believe that the majority of people have so little omega-3 in their bodies that test methods cannot even detect it.  (Harris, W. & Isley, W. Clinical evidence for the cardioprotective effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Current Atherosclerosis Reports. 2001 Mar;3(2):174-9)

Becoming sufficient in Omega-3 essential fatty acids is required to GET well and and staying sufficient in Omega-3 essential fatty acids is required to STAY well.

Consult with your Chiropractor on the best Omega-3 essential fatty acid for you.

Vitamin D Intake

“There is absolutely no debating the fact that most people living in industrial society have deficient levels of Vitamin D. Very few people get the 20 minutes per day of bare skin sun exposure (no clothing or sunscreen lotion) required for sufficiency.

Being deficient in Vitamin D is a significant casual factor in the following: cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammation, depression, colds and flu, decreased immune function, asthma, autism, autoimmune diabetes, allergies, bone loss, chronic pain, loss of athletic performance, and premature ageing due to decreased ability to repair DNA telomeres.

Learn more about Vitamin D Intake »

Vitamin D deficiency is a casual factor in so many diverse health problems because Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that all humans require in sufficient amounts for health and the prevention of illness.” – Dr James Chestnut

Patients with clinical depression given vitamin D supplements had significantly enhanced moods and a reduction of negative symptoms. (Stewart Leavitt, Ph.D. 2008 Vitamin D – A Neglected ‘Analgesic’ for Chronic Musuculoskeletal Pain. Pain Treatment Topics.)

Vitamin D supplementation reduced the incidence of cold and flu by almost 100% (only one in 104 subjects developed cold or flu over winter months. (Aloia, J et al. Epidemic Influenza and Vitamin D. Epidemiology and Infection 2007, Vol 135 (7) pp. 1095-1098).

In a study of chronic back pain patients symptoms significantly improved in 100% of the patients who were low in Vitamin D and received supplementation. (Al Faraj S, Al Mutairi K. Vitamin D deficiency and chronic low back pain in Saudi Arabia. Spine 2003;28:177-179)

Vitamin D is essential for wellness and prevention for people of all ages. From birth onward humans require sufficient vitamin D for health and vitality and for protection against vitamin D deficiency related illnesses. Unless you are getting your required amount of sunlight every day you will almost certainly be deficient in vitamin D.

Consult with your Chiropractor on the best form of Vitamin D for you.

Probiotic Intake

Probiotics are bacteria that live in the human intestinal tract that provide essential biological benefit. Probiotics are essential nutrients; they are required for health and the prevention of illness.

Probiotics represent 80% of the immune system. These healthy bacteria prevent overgrowth by unhealthy disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and yeast and they also produce vitamins and nutrients such as short chain fatty acids. (Bengmark, S. M.D. Ph.D. Immunonutrition: Role of biosurfactants, fibre, and probiotic bacteria. Nutrition 1998 14: 585-594)

Learn more about Probiotics »

When present in sufficient amounts, probiotics in your intestine actually produce biologically significant amounts of vitamins such as thiamine (B1), folic acid, nicotinic acid (B3), pyriodixine (B6), and vitamin B12.

The average daily consumption of probiotic bacteria is now a million times less than that consumed by our healthy ancestors. Probiotic deficiency is pandemic in industrial society and supplementation is now a requirement to establish and maintain sufficiency levels.

How do you know if you need to supplement with Probiotics?

“Unless you were born by a normal vaginal birth, were breastfed for 18-24 months, have never taken an antibiotic or ingested alcohol, consume large amounts of raw fruits and vegetables and virtually no grains or sugars and have a source of probiotics in your diet it is virtually a certainty that you are deficient in probiotics.

Common signs of deficiency include gas, bloating and indigestion, bad breath and body odour and impaired immunity indicated by frequent or prolonged cases of colds and flus. Fungal or yeast overgrowths such as Candida, vaginal yeast infections and Athlete’s foot are also signs of a deficiency in your “good bacteria”. Acne, eczema, dandruff, and overall ill-health are also associated with probiotic deficiency.” – Dr James Chestnut

Consult with your Chiropractor on the right probiotic for you.

NaturalMed Dispensary

Roughan Chiropractic believes in total wellness for your body. Our modern diet often misses some essential elements that we need to stay healthy.

Our large NaturalMed dispensary stocks only top nutritional supplements from reputable companies. Each product in our dispensary is personally selected by Dr Simon Roughan from his almost 40 years of clinical practice and experience as a Professional Applied Kinesiologist, and trained Clinical Nutritionist. Our range of key homeopathics, herbal tinctures, quality vitamins, user friendly minerals and amino acids sit alongside our quality protein powders and immune supportive lozenges. Our stock is kept updated to ensure we can offer you the best available.

Unfortunately many products available over-the-counter, or from your local supermarket, are often synthetic chemicals and cheaper ingredients that are not scrutinised to a high standard. Our bodies can struggle to integrate these products which can put more stress on our health. Consult a nutritional practitioner before choosing a supplement. You could be doing your body more harm than good.

Get Started Today

For more information about nutrition and improving your health, call Roughan Chiropractic today.


Clinical Nutrition Christchurch | (03) 365 7828